VB 6 Programming

Interesting to make Yahoo tools like other programers ? It's not that difficult !
No need programming experience, From Zero to Hero learning step by step,contact me for more detail at psycho666.inc@gmail.com

Rent to Code / Customs Programs

If you have a new website or forum and want to have more visitor or members faster , try Custom Program !
Show any user about your website and give your site more traffic faster !

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Multi Exploiter Ver. 1.5.7

 Updated , Multi Exploiter 1.5.7

Multi victim, enter separated with comma

Builtin more than 100 Bot in side the program

Randomize bot so you will able to use even you open more than two instance

No need to enter bot and password!

Simply enter victim id then hit your victim

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.